Corporate & Business
Debt is no picnic. Especially the kind of debt that has grown so much, you can no longer manage it. Whether you’re an individual looking to eliminate your personal debt or a company looking to reorganize all that you owe, we can help. Our firm brings rich experience and creativity to the representation of clients across industries and to the full spectrum of issues that arise in stressed and distress situations. As out-of-court workouts and pre-packaged bankruptcies have become increasingly common in recent years, we have excelled at representing distressed clients of all sizes and restoring them to viability quickly and cost-effectively.
Our bankruptcy practice begins with a phone call from you and leads to a free consultation with one of our attorneys who specialize in financial workouts. Led by our partner Brandon H. Baker, our firm’s bankruptcy team helps individuals and companies alike with their financial situations.
As tireless advocates for our clients, we have been actively involved in cases that range from the largest and most complex insolvency cases to more modestly sized cases in which we are equipped to be highly attuned to cost sensitivities. We’ve put our extensive knowledge of U.S. bankruptcy laws to good use, helping individuals stop creditor harassment, end pesky collection calls, earn additional time for mortgage payments, stop foreclosure proceedings, prevent vehicle repossession, stop wage garnishments, and earn a fresh financial start.
We also help companies navigate through the complex Bankruptcy Code to find debt relief and creditor protection, as well as through providing substantive and tactical advice on how to negotiate with creditors, file for protection under Chapter 11 of the bankruptcy code, cram down debts, protect operations during cash flow problems, get back profitability through selling assets, and, collect accounts receivables.